Symptoms of Gum Disease

Hayward Dentist serving Castro Valley, San Leandro, CA and Surrounding Areas

Gum disease is an incredibly common oral health issue. In fact, the CDC estimates that a majority of adults will, at some point, experience mild forms of the disease. When caught early, treatment for gum disease often requires little more than professional tooth cleaning and a more consistent at-home routine. However, when left untreated, gum disease can quickly progress and cause serious oral and systemic health problems.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of gum disease, please contact Gary G. Fong, DDS online or by calling 510-582-8727 to schedule an examination today. Our Hayward family dentist serves patients living throughout the Castro Valley area of California.

Initial Signs of Gum Disease

Symptoms of gum disease typically start small. Minor swelling, a darkening of gum tissue, or bleeding brought about by brushing teeth are all signs that disease may be present. At this stage, brining your symptoms to Dr. Fong’s attention can help prevent additional problems from occurring.

When left untreated, gum disease can quickly progress, eventually causing symptoms such as:

  • Pus in between teeth
  • Loose teeth or shifting tooth position
  • Gums pulling away from tooth roots
  • Chronic bad taste in the mouth
  • Bad breath that does not respond to brushing

Periodontitis, the most advanced form of gum disease, can even result in tooth loss and bone necrosis. This type of gum disease also necessitates much more invasive treatments.

When allowed to progress, gum disease can increase risks for many systemic health issues. Known to complicate diabetes, gum disease can also cause premature birth and low birth weight in pregnant women, and has been identified as a risk factor for heart disease, hypertension, kidney failure, and dementia. To reduce these risks, prompt treatment at the first sign of gum disease is recommended.

To schedule your periodontal evaluation with our Castro Valley family dentist, please contact us today.